The media tends to treat them with scant regard as well.
Does the system, with all its traditional inertia, continue to function, showing scant regard for what is happening at the top?
Liberty concluded that the new rules showed scant regard to the impact they would have on genuine families.
The Chief of Staff spun it with scant regard for its age.
He went his own way, with scant regard for fashion.
The Council gave scant regard to over 50 amendments adopted by this House in the first reading.
It paid scant regard to the interests of creditors, employees, consumers and small suppliers.
And what we are seeing today is a brawl which shows scant regard for anybody.
I respect politically why you say that but it shows scant regard and little understanding for the due process in this Parliament.
The business attracts cowboy drivers with scant regard for the law, or common sense.