Surprisingly, there is scant mention of an overriding issue dividing the two countries: drug traffic.
I was disappointed to find scant mention of sports in your issue devoted to 2096.
(His son from that marriage, Joel, gets scant mention in these pages).
But the politics of the officer's death got scant mention among mourners.
And he gave scant mention to the voucher plan, not even using the word in his speech to the Legislature.
He'd heard only scant mention of a bioengineering affair, nothing important, in the early war years with the Federation.
It received no nominations and scant mention on Sunday's broadcast.
The castle receives only scant mention in the surviving records.
Outside work, even nursing, received scant mention and little praise from Southern writers during the war.
The article made scant mention of his early life except to report that he'd been raised in a Boston orphanage.