Let's take a look at five of the most jaw-dropping scandalous events to come out of Hollywood.
"Yes, he is very good looking, that's clear, but people are turning this into an insider-trading kind of scandalous event."
The following are the notable, scandalous events that earned shows a suspension.
The plot concerns a respectable magistrate who finds himself caught up in a series of scandalous events that almost cause his disgrace.
I recall two house foreclosures, and what a shocking and scandalous event each was.
Such "scandalous" events drew public attention but did not result in prosecution.
Although the movie's overall box office got affected by the scandalous events surrounding its lead actress Namrata's personal life, the movie still became a hit.
"I'm scared for her," the showbiz dad confessed, following the scandalous events of Salvia-gate 2010.
We can all bring to mind examples of such scandalous events.
A discussion of scandalous political events or comments of the week.