A former police chief tries to clean up scandalous conditions in Richmond, Va.
A former police chief finds herself summoned to Richmond to clean up scandalous conditions.
But common criminals throughout Latin America endure scandalous conditions.
Regional officers had lived for many years with successive waves of moral outrage about the scandalous conditions within the asylums.
According to the family, their mother did neither get any medical aid nor were the scandalous conditions of detention improved when she was terminally ill.
The scandalous condition of American capitalism has even provided Hillary Clinton with the political opening she needed.
"The papers were kept in scandalous condition," he said in a telephone interview.
It was not until the scandalous conditions in Willowbrook were discovered that something was done.
Mind you," roared Cato, "the present scandalous conditions are a direct result of too much exposure to eastern laxity!
Finally, at about the age of one year when their production drops, they are gathered together in scandalous conditions and piled up for their final journey.