Six months earlier, Congress exonerated the President in a scandal stemming from charges that his 1994 election campaign had knowingly accepted contributions from major drug dealers.
Instead, Bankers Trust used the funds to pad its performance at a time when the bank was mired in a scandal stemming from questionable sales tactics involving complex financial products known as derivatives.
According to the Washington Post, Garrison sought to "end a scandal stemming from the university's awarding of an unearned degree to the governor's daughter."
The investments were made with the agreement of the state's Treasurer, A. James Manchin, who was forced to resign in mid-1989 because of the scandal stemming from the investment.
A growing scandal stemming from a crackdown on a religious terror group has led to accusations that the group may have received weapons from the Turkish government.
His short tenure was embroiled in a scandal stemming from the construction of Meghalaya House in Kolkata.
Then, as now, the President had been easily re-elected, but there were indications that the new term would be dominated by scandal stemming from the way he had won re-election.
Glendening came into office weakened by election battle and plagued by a minor scandals stemming from some of his Administration officials early use of their Prince George's County pensions.
Opportunity Plan by Texaco In a response to a scandal stemming from a racial-bias lawsuit, Texaco said it would sharply widen business dealings with minorities.
Germany's Minister of Health has rejected calls for his resignation over a scandal stemming from the distribution of blood infected with the virus that causes AIDS.