Before a financial scandal engulfed the Christian Democrats six months ago, the party appeared poised to win the state, which has been governed by the Social Democrats for 34 years.
That would miss a chance to make real changes before scandal engulfs the game.
"For 10 years as lieutenant governor to John Rowland, she was asleep at the switch as scandal engulfed the Rowland-Rell administration."
While that also beat predictions, the profits of the bank were still barely half of its earnings in the heady days of 1993, before scandal engulfed its then profitable derivative business.
However, the scandal engulfed both teams and forced them to fold.
Unexpected scandals can engulf one or both major party candidates.
Lawmakers criticized Dr. Green for ignoring Albany, and it was not until scandal engulfed the New York City school system last year that several bills he had backed were approved.
The complaints, which are the most serious accounting-related allegations since corporate scandals engulfed Wall Street last spring, also helped touch off a broad sell-off in stocks yesterday.
Senator Barack Obama, Democrat of Illinois, announced that he would stop flying on corporate jets this spring as lobbying scandals engulfed Congress.
The scandal also engulfed Edwards's former congressional colleague Otto Passman of Monroe, who was later acquitted of all charges in the case.