The scandal centered around ADM Vice President Mark Whitacre who lived in Moweaqua during the time.
The scandal centered on the sale of United States arms to Iran in the mid-1980's to obtain the release of American hostages in Lebanon.
The scandal centred around Lyndon Scourfield's use of his position to refer companies to Quayside Corporate Services, owned and operated by David Mills, for "turnaround" services which Quayside was unqualified to provide.
The scandal centered on the activities of George Koskotas, a financier and newspaper owner who is awaiting extradition hearings in Massachusetts and is accused of siphoning off $230 million from the Bank of Crete when he owned it.
The scandal centred around the award of a huge contract given to Anglo-Leasing - a company that did not exist.
The scandal has centered on an investigation into the misdeeds of a nuclear-materials transportation company called Transnuklear and its parent company, a producer of nuclear fuels named Nukem.
The scandal over his marriage centered not on his choice of bride, but his father's reaction.
The 1980's scandal centered on the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, a bank in Milan with ties to the Vatican.
The scandal centered around leaked documents from the Israeli Defense Force which suggested the military had engaged in extrajudicial killings.