Lott added that he believes the scandal is beginning to have an impact on the presidency.
Since the scandal began a year ago this week, the police have arrested 44 people suspected as pimps and clients.
Shortly after the scandal began, Michael Kennedy and his wife separated.
The scandal began in 1991 when a family questioned the findings of an autopsy report.
Since the scandal began, many of the reported cases have involved abuse that happened years, even decades, ago.
But scandals begin to take their toll as 10 top city officials are convicted of various financial crimes.
Since the scandal began nearly two years ago, at least 14 priests in the archdiocese have been removed from their jobs.
That's what has happened since this scandal began so promisingly two summers ago.
Since the scandals began, most Wall Street firms have invested heavily in these programs.
The scandal, just a few days old, has already begun taking a toll on the Workers' Party roster.