It has dark green scalloped leaves, about 3-4 inches long and 0.5 inch wide.
Viola typically have heart-shaped, scalloped leaves, though a number have palmate leaves or other shapes.
She could see a few scalloped leaves in the bare branches high above.
I was sad this spring when I scoured the ground and found nary a scalloped leaf.
These are the big plants with the large flowers in fat clusters on stiff, usually scalloped leaves.
Ernest also collected fancy-leafed zonal geraniums, which have dark circular markings on their richly colored scalloped leaves.
Then Inky Fingers caught my eye, its scalloped leaves like adorable little chocolate-colored toes dipped in bright green.
The medley of frilly, scalloped, wrinkled and smooth leaves livens the scene.
Earlier, however, and until frost, it is admired for its rich green, three- to four-inch scalloped leaves, which form a handsome mounded clump.
A dwarf form of lady's mantle, with scalloped, bluish-green leaves.