Both methods resulted in a characteristic geometric design of squares and circles with various arched or scalloped borders.
The rash of a fungal infection is fiery red with a scalloped border and sharply outlined edges.
In the distance the Green Mountains provided a scalloped border to the horizon.
Pyro, in production from 1930 to 1953, was ornamented with a single flower and scalloped border in blue, green or brown.
Observe the minuscule scalloped border on the lady's high-topped boots.
The plate had a scalloped border with a wreath of green leaves around it.
They are made from discontinued designer fabrics that recall flower-bedecked Porthault prints, down to the scalloped borders.
The Saltillo sarape motif has a large complex diamond in the central layout of the blanket, and sometimes is surrounded by a scalloped border.
Its presence left a telling pattern on the edge of the adjacent ring: a scalloped border shaped by the moon's gravity.
Using the blunt side of a small knife, cut a scalloped border around the circumference of the dough, making eight indentations altogether.