Bay Scallops' Good Name The New York area bay scallop season has started, but supplies are limited and still threatened by pollution.
Walter A. Bennett, a bayman from Springs, said the best of the scallop season might have passed within hours of opening.
He predicted that the scallop season in state waters, which opened on Monday, would effectively end within days despite officially continuing until March.
This year, only two or three baymen ventured out on the first day of scallop season.
Recreational and commercial fishing of this species is allowed at particular times of the year, this is called scallop season.
THE scallop season is in full swing in the Northeast.
Researchers are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the scallop spawning season, which usually begins in early June.
Well actually, they don't skindive for scallops, especially since the scallop season runs from October to March.
But this year, East Hampton announced it would once again have a scallop season, although commercial boating scallopers are now to use nets only, not dredges.
In the fall, that's when we did most of our business, during the scallop season.