A system whose performance improves after adding hardware, proportionally to the capacity added, is said to be a scalable system.
The multikernel: a new OS architecture for scalable multicore systems.
This approach led to a modular and highly scalable system.
Xiphos is a scalable system, letting users deploy small systems when small teams are operating in remote environments.
Secondly, they want scalable systems for immediate high capacity of data storage with low entry cost.
Powermouse was another scalable system that consisted of modules and individual components.
The focus on text and bytes made the system far more scalable and portable than other systems.
It's important to note that our situation is completely different than Brooks; we have scalable systems and management teams well schooled in mergers and acquisitions.
It would be better to run small pilots around the country and choose the best practices and scalable systems for national roll-out.
It is a scalable system which supports many programming paradigms.