He was, they say, with poignant simplicity: "strong, fearless and kind".
This man who, upon hearing the whole sordid tale said, with childlike simplicity, 'Leave her?
'You know I love you,' she said with childlike simplicity.
"I would shoot you on the spot," he said with cold simplicity.
"It makes me cry to think about home," she said, with such pure simplicity of feeling that tears came into Tenar's eyes too.
"For you to stay your hand," she said with blunt simplicity.
It was said with such simplicity her skin iced.
"It is hard," the old man said with dour simplicity.
Then she sighed, and said with simplicity, "But it was the fear of the fire that made me do so."
I'm sorry, said the doctor with simplicity, I'm afraid they were both killed.