"We think the economic backdrop looks pretty doggone good," he said from his office overlooking Boston Harbor.
Mr. Buppert said from his office overlooking the harbor in Baltimore.
"This is a very comfortable niche right here," he said in an interview in his small corner office overlooking Rockefeller Center.
"I tell you there's something interesting here," the very senior editor said in his apartment overlooking Lincoln Center.
"People who normally take five cases are taking one this year," she said from the lawn of her chateau overlooking vines heavy with grapes.
Thorn said overlooking Martin's injury was the most difficult part of the decision, and with good reason.
"In my day you could make an impact on the public," she said during a recent interview in her apartment overlooking Central Park.
"No one left here today being put out on the street," she said afterward in an interview in her office overlooking the river.
"It's disheartening," he said during a telephone interview from his post overlooking the river.
"The city used the hospital buildings and built a school," she said on an earlier tour of the hills overlooking the cemetery.