It was part of her job that no matter what was said or done in a session that she, the counselor, could remain outwardly calm.
"I am reasonably optimistic," said the chief executive of Airbus, Noël Forgeard, in a session with journalists at the company's headquarters here.
"I wasn't going to get mad," Belle said later in a rare session with reporters.
Without additional public resources for long-term care, he said in a session on policies on aging, the costs will become intolerable for most people, especially those who are middle-income.
"Here we have A squared," Dr. Fortmann said in a recent session.
"We will say things in a closed session that are really what we're thinking."
He got some other Oregon House members to sneak a few words into speeches they said in a special session in February 2010.
Norman Y. Mineta, the secretary of transportation and the fourth board member, said in a session with reporters on Tuesday that an overhaul was essential.
At a reception afterward, Mr. Bush said in a brief button-hole session that he had no comment on recent history - that is, his son's handling of Iraq.
In May the board said no again in a special session.