Can I say from the panel's point of view, thank you very much gentlemen for your contribution this afternoon.
"I suppose what you're saying makes sense, from their point of view," Modyun admitted reluctantly.
About the best thing you can say for us from his point of view is - we're dangerous.
And, Dr. Orkin said, from the businesses' point of view, clinical benefit may not be so important.
I said look at it from their point of view.
I can only say, from our point of view, it has shown to be a tremendous success," he said.
"They say from the patient's point of view this is much, much better."
Hopefully integration will be a brilliant success editorially, though it's hard to say from the reader's point of view whether there's an appreciable difference yet.
I said, "Not much good can be said about this man, from my point of view, but you can't call him a bad father.
"He said from his point of view it looked pretty bad - but he liked the fact that I still bounced up."