They met for the first time, she said, at a black-tie party given by a neighbor.
She later canceled the date and Nicholson would not speak to her again, except to say "hi" at a party many years later.
"I'd rather jump out of a window right now," he said at a party after the screening.
"There is something magical about the light here," he said at a party after the last performance.
If you didn't know what to say at a party, you used to ask a question like that.
Sometimes, when you're at a loss for things to say at a party, it is fashionable to claim that friends are the new family.
Say a man at a party sees another man he hasn't seen in months, someone who falls in the gray area between friend and acquaintance.
Instead of punishing yourself for overindulging, say at a party, just get back on track the next day.
For such people, he said at a party last week to officially start the airline, "it's impossible to fly commercial."