"They might say the same thing about your job, Lieutenant!"
But then we could say exactly the same thing about your job.
"I love it," Mrs. Whitman said emphatically about her new job during an interview last week.
Lucy was signed with Models 1, she has said about her job, "I love the creative aspect.
He didn't have much to say the other day about his appearance and the committee's job.
"I want to say something about a young man's job," said Alou, the Montreal manager, who in seven weeks will become 66 years old.
All he said about his previous job was he had left for "personal" problems in Virginia, leaving out the charges of piracy that were against him.
I wish I could say the same about your job,' Percy replied.
George asked: 'Did she say anything about her job?'
"What you said about your job," the mechanic says, "did you really mean it?"