Every week, millions of savvy customers enjoy our fun and exciting shopping experience nationwide.
That may just be the wake-up call they need to treat the savvy customer with more respect and grant you a larger discount.
The King is a remarkably savvy customer.
We like to think of ourselves as savvy customers, careful of our pride, and so we're wary of being fooled by Internet jokes.
In 1991 they launched a line called Express, aimed at a more savvy customer.
And savvy customers know they can ask for all kinds of things that aren't shown on the site, like italics or two different fonts.
Just then, a sympathetic, savvy customer comes to my rescue.
"You're dealing with very savvy customers."
Wine by mail rarely attracts savvy customers.
Lined with department stores and other businesses, it's where most Viennese and savvy customers from the provinces and neighboring countries do their shopping.