These days savvy buyers will not go to see a property unless the listing is sufficiently descriptive and has images online.
Some savvy buyers aren't waiting for a house they like to go on the market.
And besides, can't today's savvy buyers look beyond the superficial to spot a true gem?
The market is there, and women have become much more savvy buyers.
Russia's savviest buyers, the young and rich, are learning to look, too.
The savviest wholesale buyers navigate it with walkie-talkies and bicycles.
Today's savvy buyers know a last-chance opportunity when it comes along, and last night they brought their checkbooks.
Real estate agents are calling the area a sleeper for savvy buyers.
So savvy American buyers will almost certainly snap up the 2002's, anticipating difficulty getting a decent share of the 2003's.
"They can be a real bargain for the savvy buyer," he said.