Not only was he a brilliant coach but he is a very sharp, savvy businessman.
Peter (not his real name) was a smart, savvy businessman with a PhD and a bright future.
He is regarded as a savvy businessman who is known for coarse language.
The new Huracán has proved himself to be a savvy businessman, running his own wrestling arena.
Bill Savitt was a savvy businessman with a knack for promotion.
Managers must be both savvy businessmen as well as hands-on workers.
Although his workday rarely starts before noon, he comes across as a savvy businessman.
He had the rare combination of being a strong and savvy businessman along with showing compassion and generosity to all.
A savvy businessman, he was earning $50,000 a year and had $1 million in assets by age 27.
Ever the savvy businessman, Michael Bloomberg has again demonstrated that he knows his customer.