But if those savings do not materialize, they worry, the only alternative will be to raise Medicare premiums or cut into benefits.
Some consumer advocates worry that the supposed savings may never materialize for many consumers.
Within the next few months, the state may well have to revise its budget when the savings that are projected do not materialize.
These savings have not materialized and the new money will now be used to fill the gap.
Does anybody really believe that these savings will materialize?
The primary reason that the product did not initially sell was because potential users doubted that the savings would actually materialize.
Mr. Giuliani's aides had threatened to lay off workers if those savings did not materialize.
And even those savings may not materialize.
But significant savings would materialize in later years, he said.
The expected savings have not yet materialized, though, due to the unusually low price for virgin polyethylene.