Will he indicate whether there are any projected or net savings associated with telemonitoring, as introduced by his Department?
These figures do not include any monetary savings associated with the reduction in serious injuries.
Instead of taxing communities to cover the extra cleanup effort, he would give them part of the savings associated with a less-than- total repair.
In general, patients with infections must be hospitalized longer, erasing the savings associated with managed care and other cost-cutting measures.
Granted, mortgage experts say they're still seeing plenty of consumers who are more interested in the upfront savings associated with longer-term loans.
Harder to quantify are the savings associated with prevention, one of the chief advantages companies cite for playing an active role in primary care.
In addition, Congress' determinations in making policy decisions and actions that agencies may take would affect the potential savings associated with any given option.
You could estimate the savings associated with a few of the more promising improvements.
Benefits may include more space and privacy, convenience when traveling with a family, and the savings associated with cooking one's own meals in the apartment.
Analysts and company officials said that the savings associated with the merger would first be seen later this year.