In most cases, he says, he is able to clean and save the data files within two days, for about $100.
Hotels generally save 20 to 30 percent in water and electricity costs within two years.
She had never spoken freely to a man save within the close circle of the family's intimates.
County officials estimated that the water-conservation program could save about 40 million gallons of water a day within the next two to three years.
Re-use of cores is already saving time and money within companies.
This program allows employees to submit ideas about how to save the city money within their departments.
There had to be not because it was logical, but so that they could save face, within themselves.
Save within her brute force still did not entirely rule.
Best Life argues it is more than possible to save enough within five years for a very nice second home, if you really want to.
My father deferred to him on virtually all matters, save politics within the city.