This simple change will save taxpayers $87 billion over 10 years.
That, they said, would ultimately save $7 million over five years for the state prison system, which has an annual budget of $2.2 billion.
He said the two measures would save the nation $1.3 trillion over 20 years.
It said the plan could save consumers $1.6 billion over four years.
The companies expect to save $2.2 billion over three years, in part by cutting 10,000 jobs.
Reductions in labor costs are the most significant part of the plan, which would save the company $5.8 billion over five and a half years.
She was able to contribute $10,000, saved over eight years.
It would save an estimated $130 million over five years.
Without discussing terms, the government said the lower price would save it $259 million over six years.
Taken together, these two steps will save American families $2.6 billion over five years.