You can save images as you go along, so there's no end to the experimentation and playing with paints one can do.
The camera, due out next month, has 10 megabytes of internal storage and also saves images on xD memory cards.
Modern smartphones typically allow users to save images from the web browser to be used as wallpaper.
Maybe they save more video images if it's something unlike what they've seen before.
Instead, it saves images in its own .
It allows users to save images and categorize them on different boards.
It can even save images directly onto a memory card.
While the Mavica saved images to disk, the images were displayed on television, and the camera was not fully digital.
Most cameras save images on removable memory cards, and they use those up quickly, too.
The PC-based program is free to download, but users are charged $10 to save images to disk.