They have a growing season of between three to four months, with their habitat being restricted to the savanna regions of southern Africa.
This species is the most common cobra of the savanna regions of the tropical and subtropical Africa.
"H. madagascariensis" can be found in both forest and savanna regions.
Climate fluctuations during the last 34 million years have allowed savanna regions to expand into the tropics.
In fact, witchweed affects 40% of Africa's arable savanna region, resulting in up to $13 billion lost every year.
They probably evolved in savanna regions.
The cerrado climate is typical of the rather moister savanna regions of the world, with a semi-humid tropical climate.
The mesic prairie's location at the northeastern edge of the prairie-oak savanna region in Wisconsin makes it especially noteworthy.
Lions live in the dry, hot savanna regions of Africa, far away from the tigers.
It also grows in riverine and fringing forest, and as a pioneer species in arid savanna regions.