The woods include numerous plant communities such as wetland depressions, a small prairie remnant, a wooded moraine and savanna areas.
The emirate covers about 1,150 square miles (2,980 square km) of wooded savanna area.
Fires, set by lightning or Native Americans, ensured that the savanna areas did not turn into forests.
These savanna areas provided habitat for many animals, including American bison, elk, and white-tailed deer.
Open forest, woodland, and savanna areas also exist on Buru.
Red ferrallitic soil dominates most of the province, including the forested zone and much of the savanna area.
Most of the areas affected are sparsely populated jungle and savanna areas, but one, Cundinamarca, borders the capital.
In savanna areas, with altering dry and wet climates, ferruginous soil occur.
The ecosystem of over 98% of eastern savanna areas such as longleaf pine have declined.
This kingfisher is essentially resident, but retreats from drier savanna areas to wetter habitats in the dry season.