Indeed, a circus is the controlling metaphor for her production, with the stage painted in bright icons that suggest a Big Top - the Arena's mainstage is a theater in the round - and calliope music introducing the Jefferson saga as a savage tale of show business.
Stile concealed his reaction to this savage tale of vengeance.
The parallels are particularly pertinent to the former as it is a savage tale, in which the arid, unforgiving landscape of Central Asian mountains mirrors the psychological intensity of the conflict between the characters, their grimly determined emotions and violent altercations.
Dahl wrote clever, often savage tales for adults before turning toward children's books.
Various savage tales, which needed a good deal of editing, are derived from the learned pages of the 'Journal of the Anthropological Institute.'
"I Luv U," the album's biggest hit, tells a sly, savage tale of deceitful women and single-minded men.
As Catharine Holly, the drama's imperiled heroine (played with harrowing skinlessness by Victoria Hamilton), says of the savage tale that no one wants her to tell, "It is a true story of the time and the world we live in."
The work, a meditative, multilayered video, explores a savage tale extracted from the faded history of colonialism here on the Canadian West Coast and the connection of its intrusive violence to the present.