Back in the house, he rolled the bag into a sausage shape and taped it closed.
Sprinkle over the pomegranate seeds and roll each piece into a long sausage shape.
Roll each portion into a sausage shape about 3cm/1 in in diameter, using your hands.
Roll up the pastry into a long sausage shape, hiding all the filling inside in layers.
The seed form the spice is also sold in African markets rolled into sausage shapes.
Flour each half, and with your hands, form them into sausage shapes about 12 inches long.
Place each sausage shape diagonally on a lined cookie sheet.
Using your palms, roll each ball out to sausage shape about 5 inches long.
Take the mixture, a handful at a time, and roll into a sausage shape around a skewer.
Flour the hands and gather the dough into a short sausage shape.