YET another new Internet law, this one governing copyright on the global computer network, has found its way into the legislative sausage grinder on Capitol Hill.
Animation - Dancing Venus: The mutant cat from the previous animation falls into a sausage grinder, with a number of other animals.
His hair was a kinky mat with a color you'd imagine a handful of Spanish pennies would make if you ran them through a fine-tooth sausage grinder.
The Posleen were being forced into a sausage grinder.
Like relentless sausage grinders, the piranha mites burrowed through bodies in random courses, disgorging mangled meat.
The bill remains open to amendment as it moves through the legislative sausage grinder.
Maybe he has spent the two hours since he kissed you good-bye feeding her body parts to a sausage grinder.
Frowning, Magnan started around it, was cut off by a smaller automaton--this one no bigger than a commercial sausage grinder, and adorned with a similar set of blades visible inside a gaping metallic maw.
"And I doubt al'Thor would have sent those fellows with us, if we were just being fed into a sausage grinder."
LEO: Yeah, it looks like a sausage grinder.