Catalan workers made a simple sauce (salsa) with cilantro, oil, vinegar and salt, called Pebre for its main ingredient the ají.
She patented her sauce, called Chillup, in 1951.
Nabemono are usually eaten with a sauce sometimes called tare, literally "dipping".
The sauce, called romesco, is a synthesis of the best local ingredients: tomatoes, chilies, garlic, olives, nuts and wine vinegar.
It is a fishcake served in sweet and sour sauce called kuah cuko.
And in the United States and Canada, another similar sauce called Thousand Island dressing is served.
In Thailand, a special kind of sauce called nam prek is made with the fruit.
In 2011 Chris released his first commercial hot sauce called "Tears of the Sun".
A popular seasoning in ancient Rome was a salty sauce called garum made with layers of fish, salt and herbs.