Benny Herring was a thin, saturnine man with a scar on his chin.
Between the saturnine old man and the raging orchestra, something is communicated that the camera cannot hope to capture.
He stopped cold, staring at the tall, saturnine man who had stepped out of the shadows.
By all accounts, David Dark was a tall, saturnine man, with long black hair which reached down to his shoulders.
To no one's surprise, the tall saturnine man had taken charge of the birthing.
And a tall, saturnine man, whom he recognised as Doyle.
He went to meet the saturnine young man as he approached.
King Audry, a tall saturnine man, had a face of fascinating ugliness.
He was a saturnine man with a scar on his forehead.
Turkwood was a short, saturnine man with close-cropped black hair.