Lighting the menorah proved a satisfying alternative to adorning a tree with colorful lights.
The surprise is that current recordings of the complete set offer no satisfying alternative.
You can also put on boxing gloves and go to work on the living-room wall - perhaps the most satisfying alternative.
And so he had moved on to find a profitable and satisfying alternative.
Christians have also failed to care sufficiently for the victims of the new morality, or to demonstrate a satisfying alternative in positive, healthy family life.
Until then, the regulars will have to contend with less satisfying alternatives.
In the United States, vocational education is not often considered to be a suitable, satisfying alternative to a traditional academic curriculum.
The resulting hybrid, while deforming the original, doesn't rock hard enough to provide a satisfying alternative.
For people like Ms. LaVigne, a computer course has been a satisfying alternative to a class.
Entertaining, which I used to think of as a satisfying alternative to being gouged by restaurants, has lost its allure.