No, he said, there is not enough baseball programming to satisfy fans.
Billboard said "Last 2 Walk should satisfy longtime Three 6 fans."
Published by Not Lame records, this box set was produced to satisfy fans after the reported "demise" of the band in 2000.
The September rerun did little to satisfy fans - instead yet more new players became interested during September's broadcasts.
That would not only keep play in the intergalactic age, but also satisfy old fans from the trolley-car age.
At best, the league would have satisfied a dozen disgruntled owners and excited fans with a new rivalry-based playoff format.
Nevertheless, as popcorn entertainment, it delivers, and should satisfy fans on all platforms.
Spurrier's job is to add championship banners, and nothing less will satisfy longtime fans.
Merely reaching today's title game against France isn't enough to satisfy fans of the four-time world champions.
Only victory in the World Cup will satisfy impatient fans and journalists.