They nominate conservative judges to advance conservative social reform and satisfy religious conservatives.
These Republicans said it was not necessarily bad for lesser-known party members to denounce Mr. Clinton because that helps satisfy hard-core conservatives.
Lott will try to satisfy conservatives with other issues he thinks may have better prospects, like prohibiting late-term abortions.
He said that even if Mr. Schwarzenegger did not completely satisfy fiscal conservatives by signing a no-new-taxes pledge, they would support him in the end.
There is concern, however, that too much of the report has been rewritten to satisfy conservatives.
Republicans on the subcommittee were generally silent as Democrats branded them as sheep following their leaders' election-year efforts to satisfy conservatives.
On the legislative front, Mr. Dole's aides hope to develop welfare legislation in September that will satisfy conservatives.
It should satisfy liberals and conservatives.
But some concede that their efforts to satisfy conservatives backfired, at least in terms of public perceptions.
It would also create a guest worker program for 325,000 people a year to meet the needs of business, and would tighten border security to satisfy conservatives.