Walsh, with one last satisfied glance at the closed door, turned briskly, forestalling Kirk's first question.
The girls exchanged satisfied glances; that was the way, leave her alone; she always came back, as sweet and good-natured as ever.
Fox, who had been writing busily, exchanged satisfied glances with his chief.
Her eyes cut toward her sister, a satisfied glance that Tebreille did not acknowledge.
Father and son exchanged satisfied glances and then resumed their efforts.
When he finally ducked down some steps into an old basement, Weasel threw a satisfied glance back along the street, but saw nothing except blackness.
Marissa and Wendy exchanged a satisfied glance.
She gave a quick, satisfied glance around at the crowd--the banner of a Washington hostess.
Terry nodded, giving a quick satisfied glance at the terrified face of Juan Campos strapped in the back.
The two priests of Ptah exchanged a glance, well satisfied.