You pride yourself as being an independent thinker and do not accept other's opinions without satisfactory proof.
Since many of these descendants lack satisfactory proof of their Jewish ancestry, conversion has been a growing option for them to return to Judaism.
But there has never been any satisfactory proof that such a creature existed.
Where such equivalences can be found, they constitute satisfactory proof of hyponymy.
Release of the security will be made once satisfactory proof of the selling on price of the goods is provided to the National Clearance Hub.
There is no known, satisfactory geometric proof of this fact.
In considering your application, the Treasury Solicitor will need to see satisfactory proof of identity including:
Nor are you engaging us to devise satisfactory proof of her innocence.
As a Pythagorean, Archytas believed that only arithmetic, not geometry, could provide a basis for satisfactory proofs.
If it is shown to be insufficient, speculative reason cannot present us with any satisfactory proof of the existence of a being corresponding to our transcendental idea.