To maintain satisfactory progress, a part-time student has to pass at least one course each year.
Does my right hon. and learned Friend think that this situation represents satisfactory progress over the last 18 years?
They are required to complete a prescribed set of courses and maintain satisfactory progress.
Only when sail and oars could be made to work together was it possible to make satisfactory progress.
In his signal to Aubrey, that night at least, he could report a state of satisfactory progress.
By the first, the lead inspector declared the school to have made "satisfactory progress".
Those who do not make satisfactory progress may be required to discontinue their studies after this initial period.
With regard to the economic criteria, satisfactory progress has been made overall.
Yet there can be no satisfactory progress without close collaboration, in particular, amongst the global players.
This reflects satisfactory progress in terms of the Commission's work.