This problem however, was solved satisfactorily and all the affected members of minority community were granted full British passports.
The first difficulty, however, was to get her through, and this question exercised his ingenuity for some time, before it was satisfactorily solved.
By the time matters were satisfactorily solved, the moment for exploitation had passed, and the band had grown moustaches.
Stop by your bank and cash a check for five hundred quid; give it to the fellow when the problem's been satisfactorily solved.
Translating from one language to another is one of the toughest jobs for a computer, and the problem has never been satisfactorily solved.
None the less, the whole matter was never solved satisfactorily.
This problem has not yet been solved satisfactorily, but there is no reason to believe that it is incapable of solution.
This problem, I believe, can only be solved satisfactorily at EU-level.
Fortunately, with a concession to Poland's demands, the problem has finally been solved satisfactorily.
This matter is a good example of a problem that cannot be solved satisfactorily at the national level.