He was the first to satisfactorily demonstrate the existence of electromagnetic waves by building an apparatus to produce and detect Very high frequency or Ultra high frequency radio waves.
Burck's defense was able to satisfactorily demonstrate what "a long record of anti-communism... exemplified in his political cartoons."
The experiments satisfactorily demonstrated the immense strength the girders.
I grant that after saying these strong things, it is necessary that I offer some details calculated to satisfactorily demonstrate the proportions which I have claimed for her.
Then one day he wrote to all the London papers to announce that he had made arrangements for an ascent from the Crystal Palace of a machine that would demonstrate satisfactorily that the outstanding difficulties in the way of flying were finally solved.
"I think, say, five million dollars would satisfactorily demonstrate your faith," Coldwater said.
You must be able to satisfactorily demonstrate that duty has been paid on product for which you are claiming rebate and the delivery documentation must identify whether the product supplied is marked or unmarked.
At this stage I must say that there would be difficulty in demonstrating satisfactorily that the weaknesses are a consequence of negligence in any legal sense by the French Government.
Jenks testified that there was never an actual stability test of the ship, and stated that after tilting to an angle of 45 degrees at launching, "...it righted itself as straight as a church, satisfactorily demonstrating its stability."