The music's satirical touches sometimes recall another European orchestra with similar instrumentation, the Willem Breuker Kollektiv.
The theory of 'social service' is set forth in it., and there are many satirical touches.
Visual puns and satirical touches turn prosaic dinnerware into conversation pieces that should enliven posh dinner parties.
So I composed it with a light satirical touch and a little humor to make it as palatable as possible and left it at that.
His works - full of satirical touches - are noted for their realistic portrayal of social life in old Tbilisi.
Her poems occasionally offered serious social comment, and sometimes addressed social themes with a lighter satirical touch.
In its satirical touches, and lends the artiste the freedom to improvise, more so on humor.
Christopher Chadman's skillful choreography in the production numbers is similarly cautious in its avoidance of overtly satirical and expressionistic touches.
In contrast, Mr. Feng's latest seems a sure bet at home, but what remains to be seen is how well his satirical touch will translate.
The film's satirical touches include biscuit commercials and a doggie game show.