Historical fiction can also serve satirical purposes.
Extensions also exist for frivolous, humorous or satirical purposes.
In that case it's not being used for satirical purposes but merely as a common phrase, such as "cease and desist."
However, the project was aborted and the name was reused in the 1980s for satirical purposes.
It started out as an adult medium, for satirical purposes; then the appeal to children got emphasized.
A. He's my alter ego, for autobiographical and satirical purposes.
Users can create "fetishes" both for genuine and satirical purposes.
While simply executed with no great attention to detail or fineness of engraving, the ticket served a satirical purpose.
The supernatural was not treated as a fantasmagory, or for satirical or philosophical purposes.
Lear was one of the first writers to deal in pure fantasy, with imaginary countries and made-up words, without any satirical purpose.