The Los Angeles Times once described him as "a big, loud man known for his satiric wit".
And if the mix of religious fervor, the uniforms, the marching bands and the zeal to rescue the downtrodden sometimes inspires satiric wit, the army's leaders seem unperturbed.
Synge's satiric wit is crystallized in Shawn's sad lament about the hard-luck life he has had, as an orphan provided with no father to murder to burnish his reputation.
Peter De Vries (February 27, 1910 - September 28, 1993) was an American editor and novelist known for his satiric wit.
Eventually, Francis travels to two other conferences in search of Criminale, conferences delineated with Mr. Bradbury's usual satiric wit, his practiced eye for the absurdities of scholarship and scholars.
Ranec, with his dark skin - and his biting, satiric wit - wasn't really Mamutoi.
Luo Yin is best known for his plain spoken poetry and satiric wit.
Satiric Wit With a clinical eye and an apparently total gift for recall, Miss McCarthy used her satiric wit to illuminate the pretensions and prejudices of her fellow intellectuals.
She likes it "for its satiric wit and appeal across ages."
"The sad truth is," said that model of satiric wit Lisa Simpson, "all families are like us."