In "Have a Cigar", a satiric song about the music industry, a company A&R man, after emptily praising a band he's signing, says "Which one's Pink?"
Irreverent skits were performed, satiric songs were sung, and dinner guests' choices of lamb or sea bass were laid out on a menu in the shape of a butterfly.
Saxophone wails, satiric songs and underground one-liners mixed with sober First Amendment arguments yesterday at a public hearing on plans to restrict pamphleteering and performances in New York City's 466 subway stations.
Listen to the Mockingbird; satiric songs to tunes you know (1973)
"Who knows; with the force of a Guild Bard behind a satiric song, you might become an influence for good within the Church."
Well, as the satiric song from "Avenue Q" cheerfully suggests, "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist," and some happen to be more publicly accountable than others.
And "Let Freedom Sing," which opens the festival with a gala performance Saturday, strings together 21 satiric and celebratory songs composed to honor the bicentennial of the Constitution.
This may in fact be derived by Marcabru's biographer from an exchange of satiric songs betweent he two, beginning with Audric's Tot a estru (16b.1), to which Marcabru responded with Seigner n'Audric (293.43).
A revue of satiric songs and sketches by Roger Rosenblatt that seeks to comment on the state of the national psyche.
Fescennine verses, the satiric and often lewd songs or chants performed on various social occasions, may have been so-named from the fascinum; ancient sources propose this etymology along with an alternative origin from Fescennia, a small town in Etruria.