The Russian satellites send signals that are usable now but work only intermittently.
Now, after the cease-fire, no satellite can send us a map of the future, but everyone wants to be a weatherman or a prophet.
The satellite sends two film capsules to earth and returns to earth itself at the end of its mission.
"The satellite will have sent its preprogrammed message even as I am certain you sent messages?"
Each satellite sends the accurate time of when each received the signal to a ground station.
The satellites send the signals back down to radio receivers in cars and homes.
And while those pictures were crude when compared with what the satellite was sending, they proved one thing: the data was real.
The satellite sends the request back to Earth, where it is directed to the Internet.
The battery-operated satellite sent data during its first 73 orbits of the Earth.
The satellite automatically sent its data to the ground stations beneath its flight track.