A series of satellite link-ups allows easy access to Batman's information network anywhere in the globe.
The studio guests were joined via a satellite link-up to Vince Martin who starred as the show's most memorable character, Mr Bad.
Charles followed the proceedings at the United Nations live in his office on a satellite link-up.
The Batcomputer is networked; a series of satellite link-ups allows Batman access from anywhere on the globe.
During the Zoo TV Tour, U2 aired controversial satellite link-ups to Sarajevo.
Then, sure enough, there was a satellite link-up.
The rally was held on January 30, 1993 and was attended by 8,000 in New York and countless others via satellite link-ups around the world.
In 1994, the Contest saw the first satellite link-up to juries.
Reception, however, is about to improve through satellite link-ups that will replace the current ground relays.
Kelly battles back with a satellite link-up and a new look.