However, in some areas legitimate dealers in satellite equipment say they are losing a considerable portion of their trade to these technical con men.
Like the other networks, CNN will be using its own portable satellite equipment to send pictures.
He consults a weather guru who lives near the stadium and has satellite equipment.
Along with its aircraft unit, the company is expanding into military and satellite equipment.
They have global positioning satellite equipment that lets the company detect how fast the car is traveling.
When he took over in 1985, he installed expensive satellite equipment to give him an instant picture of how all the plants were doing.
In 1973, he founded a company called Synergetics International, which manufactures satellite equipment.
Each network has satellite equipment of its own to link it to affiliates and receive transmissions from anywhere in this country.
Customers would be able to buy satellite equipment and service using a telephone at the kiosk or through the Sharper Image catalogue.
The rest of the crew consisted of a sound man and a technician to operate the satellite equipment.