Theorists have accused the Masons of everything from satanic worship to playing a role in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
PICS works by inclusion, allowing access to only those sites that carry a rating in such areas as violence and profanity, nudity and partial nudity, sexual acts, gross depictions, racism, satanic or cult worship, drugs or alcohol, militancy or extremism, gambling or activities of a dubious legal nature.
The parents say that the school district has promoted satanic worship, pagan religions and mind-control techniques.
The most evil song on the album, said Lindgren, the lyrics for "Under the Weeping Moon" were "some kind of satanic worship of the moon.
The bill, an amended version of legislation approved by the state's House of Representatives on May 10, requires warning labels on recordings with themes of rape, murder, suicide, illegal drug use, child abuse or satanic worship.
Wicca, which is legal, does not involve satanic worship or sacrifice and has long been popular among feminists because it is centered on the priestess.
No hidden life of satanic worship.