Scully thinks their stories are cliché and points out the fact that the belief in a satanic conspiracy is illogical and paranoid.
Such accusations seem to have fueled investigators' fears that the Ingram case was "the tip of the iceberg," the iceberg being a nationwide satanic conspiracy.
Instead, they blame external sources - aliens, satanic conspiracies and viruses - that they hear about from talk shows, the Internet or self-help books.
So they "blame external sources - a virus, sexual molestation, chemical warfare, satanic conspiracy, alien infiltration - for psychic problems."
And Russians have always believed the rest of the world is in a satanic conspiracy to destroy them.
She accused him, along with actress Jennifer Love Hewitt, of controlling her thoughts through "cybertronic" technology and being part of a satanic conspiracy against her.
Mr. Cox hears some Pentecostals preach outreach to the poor, but finds others speculating about satanic conspiracies.
There is scarcely an angelic irruption into the ordinary fabric of life or a satanic worldwide conspiracy in the lot.
After a francophone parliamentarian had a change of heart and was diverted from this satanic conspiracy, an independent Quebec was created in 1945.
Meanwhile, a small, satanic conspiracy of Russian and American military and civilian leaders is planning an assassination that will forever bury glasnost.